Monday, March 16, 2020

Filming Blog: Re-shoot

    During this time, we are currently battling the Covid-19 pandemic and Broward counties first wave of action is shutting schools down for this week. We were coming near the end of our our third quarter when school was closed but this changes nothing in terms of due dates for this class. Most of the things we turned in were computer based anyway so it changed nothing. As for the groups who didn't complete their filming, going out with your group was risky. Despite the clear warnings, we took that risk. Unfortunately, after reviewing our put together film, all we did was name the things we should have changed. We constructed a list a few classes before of all the things we would have changed. Yesterday, we came together, pulled out the list, and started filming. We did consider the fact that we would have to wear the same clothes which we did no problem. There was changes to the environment however which through us of. With our luck, the city of Hollywood ended up re-paving Paige's alley just when we are trying to do our re-filming. Now during our film, some parts have brand pavement and others are cracked, and old. We continued with our filming anyway though. We started with the truck scenes because my dad had somewhere to be, and moved on to smaller hings like the text from my mom, and the tying me up parts. Another thing that changed was the fact that I had got a haircut a week before so personally I look different in some scenes now to. There was no telling the effect this virus would have had on our schooling so there's not much we could do. Not that it has any difference in this class, our third quarter has been extended so the quick absence of school shouldn't effect us in the long. Honestly, our teachers have not been in contact with us as of now but for this class specifically, Ms. Marchione was aware that this could happen so she told us ahead of time that it would change nothing. All due dates will stay the same and nothing has been extended. So far, we've done good keeping up with our due dates and communicating with each other within our group through call and text. I don;t see any drastic changes in terms of his class. It also helps that as of now we are pretty much done with our entire film with only a few small things left to go.

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